Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hmmm, I think I spoke too soon.

Yeah well I guess that we won't have two normal 5 day weeks in a row until the end of march. It was going to happen this week and next week for the first time since October, but the evil snow reared its ugly head and screwed it up. Also, there is school on my birthday, so when I turn 18, I'm buying a big gun and I'm going to shoot clouds. Also, Mother Nature has earned her sorry ass a place on my enemies list for this.
So about the week:
For the APUSH homework on tuesday, we had to type a letter as Amelia Earhart or that other guy. George Walter Putnam or something like that. I wrote mine as Amelia on my laptop of course. When I finished, I hadn't saved and I started opening up random amounts of documents and typing in them. Then I did apple q and had to do a frenzy of don't saves. I think in this I deleted my Amelia Earhart letter. Either way, when I looked for it the next morning in APUSH, it was gone. Luckily we didn't turn it in, some people had to summarize theirs. I raised my hand as one of the people who wrote as Amelia Earhart. Mr. Guthrie called on Robin to read hers (we were supposed to read them word for word). Robin tried to get out of it, but he forced a confession that she didn't have hers out of her. Then he calls on me. I have no idea how I am going to remember word for word what I wrote and I cetrainly couldn't have made it up on the spot, so I tried to weasel out of it as well. I convinced Mr. Guthrie to let me summarize it and I was able to do that. I got a B- for participating somewhat, which I guess is a fair price for my ignorance. After that, we had the socratic seminar and I really hate sitting next to Justin now. He just interrupts and yells so nobody else can talk. He wastes air talking too, the stuff he says is really unintelligent and often irrelevant. He thinks someone preventing him from using his laptop qualifies as "military action." I counted at least 6 times when I tried to talk, but he overpowered me. I finally got the chance to talk when Mr. Guthrie heard me trying and gave me the last word, which I used to shut down Justin's argument, thereby agreeing with Sara and Orion.
That was really the most eventful this week got. The rest of the week was incredibly boring until this snow day. I got up and waited for people to sign on since it was ruining my birthday and I wanted to play with people. Steven eventually signed on and we played starcraft. It was nice because I didn't mind stopping after one quick game to play CS:S with Ben and Albert. After lunch, I went to Steven's house and played some SSBM and WW. Nothing much since that point until now.


PK Dave said...

your...birthday....March 1?

David said...

well was there school today? no. therefore, my birthday being on school must mean my birthday is on the last day of school.