Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ma howse. Be there, or be.........a dead japanese soldier?

Oh what an average week this was. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT ATTENTION GETTER MRS. GADE? DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW HOW TO WRITE A GOOD ONE WITHOUT ALL THOSE EXAMPLES? Sorry, I had to get that out. So yeah monday went ok. By tuesday at lunch, I once again found myself having not finished my English outline. Luckily, I dodged a bullet again (talk about lightning striking the same place twice eh?) because she didn't check. We all presented our cultural boxes. She enjoyed that I knew the Dutch side of my family so well. On Wednesday, I brought my gameboy and Pokemon Trading Card Game to school and left it in my truck. It was another lame Volleyball day in Individual sport, but we had a kinda hott sub that forgot to take roll, so I left about 30 minutes early and played a bit. I met Steven and Josh at their spanish class and then we waited for Steven and Davis to play in the SSBM tourney. It phailed miserably. Many people did not play while some played twice. Japanese club is run by some n00bs or something. Today, nothing much else happened except a hilarious radio clip with Mr. Rogers. So about this World War 2 party idea. I think it can work. There will be some Riskage, so 6 people maximum. RSVP to get your spot. We will also play some vgs and watch movies in the background until someone dies in Risk I guess. That or they can go into the next room. It would be here at my house but nobody can spend the night because relatives come this weekend for ST PATRICKS DAY DASH. I know I have first place in my family secured. I have trained by RUNNINGINSQUARES of course. So back to the party. I think we should come over here if not immediately after school, then by 5 so that we can get max playage in before the midnight deadline or something. Before you ask Sai, only if someone can't go. The others get higher priority. Even if this was your idea, its my house. So I need RSVP's from: Steven, Davis, Orion, Sai, Zach, and me. Comment to RSVP. Sorry about the short notice.


David said...

RSVP. I will bring my house and Xbox 360 and risk set because I am so helpful.

zack0217 said...

wait so this is tommorow? if so i cannot come

blitzmoose said...

I RSVP! If you want to dress up in ww2 costume, tell me and I will bring extra ww2 clothes for those who have none.

Oreo said...

I am currently responding, because I please. Or something like that. Sounds like a good idea, but fyi Davis can't go cuz he's going to Blue School I think.

pronoob5 said...

yeah dude im going to my dads. you have to plan things like this earlier cause hes getting mad about me always telling him about stuff on the last days. every weekend i am supposed to go there we do something on friday, which is fine, but i just have to tell him sooner.

blitzmoose said...

Sorry Steven. Next time we will think of cool things on Mondays or something.